I was just reading through a 2013 report from the Anderson Economic Group that intrigued me. Anderson analyzed state taxes paid…
Blog & News
The very latest industry info and insight from HTI.
100 Days until Obamacare!
Well, today marks a 100-day countdown until people can begin to sign up for the various healthcare exchanges around the…
Healthcare Reform is Approaching!
It’s amazing how much time I have spent over the last two years studying the healthcare bill and its impact…
2012 SUTA Battle
If you have read some of my other blogs on this issue, you know that this last year SC’s SUTA…
Our new website!
I am excited to announce the launch of our new look at www.htijobs.com! You will notice a lot of changes…
Federal Government Spending
I typically would not blog about a national political issue, such as government spending, because I don’t present my experience…
SUTA Update
Well lets see. I think (if I can follow the latest and greatest news) we stand at total relief thus…
Amazon and SUTA. Timing Descrepency?
Ok. So the highest tax increase in SC HISTORY is placed in people hands January 31st with a form letter…
The deadline for SUTA draws near.
Latest news on SC SUTA issue. The house seems more on top of this than the senate despite the senates…
Interesting SUTA article
Great article. We need SUTA progress! http://www.fitsnews.com/tag/sc-unemployment-insurance/
SUTA Debate in Senate?
Last week bill 478 passed which affects SUTA. It did not include any language that defined relief for companies in…
Senate LCI Committee hears SUTA revision bill Thursday
This Thursday, the 7th, the full LCI Committee will take under consideration Scenario 23, which seeks to provide relief for…